One piece of job-seeking advice I wish everyone knew

Vasilisa Bondarenko
2 min readJan 26, 2022

At the time when I moved to London, I was pursuing my second degree in Public Policy at the Queen Mary University of London. I as well as all of my peers have faced an extremely challenging year in terms of commencing our study in the “digital format”, whereas the job search became even more difficult.

Me in front of Queens’ Building at QMUL

In summary, I spent around 6 months finding a dream job for myself and finally got it by December 2021.

Among the techniques, which can recommend in order to facilitate the job search I can state the following:

1) Dream big and never give up. Modulate the dream job for yourself and keep it in mind every day. Crave for bigger job opportunities!

2) Connect to the people from the industry. Follow them, stay active on any social media platform, comment on posts and share your professional views on any industry matter, which attracts your attention.

3) Add great value to your CV. Enrich yourself with additional certifications, courses, and other qualifications, which are essential for your sector. I have completed various series of those and was able to conduct my interviews to the best possible degree I could. Try such platforms as Coursera, EdX, LSE & Cambridge online platforms. They will pay back you the consumed time and effort!

4) Exercise regularly. Movement is the best medicine. This will keep you on track physically and mentally.

5) Watch educational content, read news, and listen to podcasts that will magnify and elevate your professional skills.

P.S.: Even though these recommendations might seem primitive to many of you but I must confess exactly this complex has enabled me to stabilize my life in London and become a better version of myself.
Always remember, no one will ever do anything for you.
You are in charge of where are you now and where you will appear in the foreseen future.

Start today! Don’t lose time for people and things, who are not worthy of your attention.

Comment on this post if you have any other techniques, I will be very pleased with some of those which are different from mine!



Vasilisa Bondarenko

Political Scientist and Analyst seeking to changing this world to the better